Trinity welcomes families of all kinds into a vibrant and diverse community of faith. Children are encouraged to participate in Trinity’s numerous and varied opportunities for worship, education, service, and fellowship.
Please fill out the Registration Form. These forms are good for one year and for all activities your child participates with Trinity Episcopal Church.
Children's Chapel
Sundays at 10am | Children’s Ministry Building (CMB)
Children begin worship in the sanctuary with their families. During the service children ages 3-8 are invited to Children's Chapel for their own Liturgy of the Word. We sing songs, say kid versions of the prayers their adults are saying in Big Church, read the same scripture from Big Church from a children's Bible, have a mini children's sermon, and activities. They return to their adults at the Peace. Mrs. Jen, Mrs. Holly, Mtr. Joanna, and Fr. Frank takes turns leading Children's Chapel and would love to see your kiddos!
Nursery Care
Parents of infants and toddlers are invited to leave their babies in the loving and professional care of our Nursery staff during the 10 a.m. worship services on Sundays.
The Nursery is in the Children’s Ministry Building adjacent to the Sanctuary. (The Trinity Nursery is available for children ages 0-3 for the entire service. There is an overlap in ages as some 3s would prefer to stay in the nursery.)
Trinity Choristers
All singers in Grades 3-12 are invited to participate in the Trinity Choristers program. The Choristers meet Sundays immediately following the 10:00 service, and rehearse until noon. We learn classic anthems in the Anglican Tradition, and sing for worship every 4-6 weeks. We also participate in festivals, special services, events, and we hope to schedule a tour next summer for the Senior Choristers (grades 7-12). For more information, contact Micki Balog.
Junior Daughters of the King
This religious order for girls allows them to experience life that is filled with prayer, service, community and fun. It is open for girls grades 1-12.
Come to Communion
All baptized children are welcomed at the communion table. They may receive both bread and wine. If you do not wish to have your child receive, they should simply cross the arms over the chest when coming forward, and he/she will receive a blessing.
Teens in Training (TnT) Grades 4-6
Calling all 4th-6th graders!
Teens in Training (TNT) meet up for faith and fellowship once a month. It’s always a fun time! If you are interested click here.
Interested in being an Acolyte?
Then will I go to the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight. I will praise you with the harp, O God, my God." Psalm 43:4
The Acolyte ministry at Trinity is a ministry designed for young adults in grades 5 through 12. Acolytes pursue their servant ministry as ministers of the liturgy in public services of worship. Activities during the liturgy include the following:
* Lighting and extinguishing the candles
* Leading the procession
* Assisting with the gospel reading
* Assisting with the preparation of Holy Communion and other duties.
Acolytes serve as part of a team. The team works together with the celebrants to help ensure the worship service progresses smoothly.
Upcoming Events
- Sun, Sep 15Horner RoomSep 15, 2024, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PMHorner Room, 3901 S Panther Creek Dr, The Woodlands, TX 77381, USA
- November 15-17thCamp AllenNovember 15-17thCamp Allen, 18800 FM 362, Navasota, TX 77868, USA