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“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” 2 Cor. 9:7

Generosity flows from a spirit of thanksgiving, a sense of abundant life, and a devotion to the ministries of the Church. Generosity is an expression of our faith and trust in God. Generosity is rooted in faith and in the joy of life and the blessings we receive.

At the end of last year (2023) Trinity received a generous gift from a parishioner. It was a designated donation aimed at paying off our primary mortgage.

This gift frees us from a large debt and allows us to be visionary, creative, and faithful. Inspired by the generosity of this gift, the Vestry voted to reallocate what had been budgeted for the mortgage into an interest-bearing Trinity Tomorrow account. The purpose of this account is to help with the renovation and repair of our older buildings.

The truth is, Trinity is a faithful and generous Christian community. We have, repeatedly, witnessed the spirituality of generosity as we live the faith we embrace and live.

While the gift to pay off the mortgage is a more significant and generous than any gift we have received thus far, it reflects the spirit of generosity beyond that of the giver. It reflects a spirit of generosity and faithfulness embedded within the soul of this parish. I prayer that this gift and all our offerings (legacy and regular financial giving) inspires each of us to live daily a life of faithful generosity. We are building a future, born out of our love for Trinity and our devotion to the ministries Christ has entrusted to us. In this, we change the lives of future generations of our members and community.

Your generosity lives beyond the financial. This generosity of time and talent is a faithful response to the call to serve. The Ministry Fair, in the fall, and the Angel Gift Market, in the winter, are windows to the life of faithful ministry in this congregation.

New members bring insight and energy into our community of faith. Long-time members help keep the traditions (Christ centered traditions) alive and vital. This spirit of generosity in all members keeps us moving, growing, and meeting old and new needs.

Pastorally, I have witnessed and heard of a multitude of kind, compassionate, and generous acts - seen and unseen. You really do take care of each other. You truly are generous with your love, kindness, and compassion. You often go out of your way to care for someone else. What a blessing to belong to such a congregation.

How do you live out the spirituality of generosity in your day-to-day life, in your support of our ministries? Think of the ministries you enable and support through your generous gifts. Generosity makes a difference. Generosity is an act of faith.


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