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Holy Week 2024 HEADER

Holy Week and Easter at Trinity Episcopal Church

The services of Holy Week and Easter are the highlight of the Christian year as we remember and celebrate the last week of Jesus' life and his victory over death on Easter. All people are welcome to join us as we grow closer to God and to each other.

Palm Sunday 

Sunday, March 24th

Start in Butler Fellowship Hall

8:00 am -  Procession of Palms/Rite I Eucharist
10:00 am - Procession of Palms/Rite II Eucharist

+Children's Liturgy of the Word

5:00 pm -  Procession of Palms/Holy Eucharist Rite II


Holy Wednesday

Wednesday, March 27th

10:00 am - Holy Eucharist Rite II

7:00 pm  -  Holy Eucharist Rite II


Maundy Thursday

Thursday, March 28th

The church gathers to remember Jesus' last commandment to his disciples, to love one another as he loved them. The word "maundy" comes from the word "mandate" or "commandment." 

7:00 pm - Foot Washing and Eucharist Followed by Stripping of the Altar

Maundy Thursday Watch
9PM Thursday - 3PM on Friday
Sign up sheet in the Narthex. Security on site overnight


Good Friday

Friday, March 29th

12:00 pm - Youth Led Worship & Stations of the Cross
7:00 pm - Good Friday Service with Communion


Holy Saturday

Saturday, March 30th

10:30 am - Holy Saturday Liturgy


Easter Eve

Saturday, March 30th

7:00 pm - Great Vigil of Easter (Incense)


Easter Sunday

Sunday, March 31st

Alleluia! Christ is risen!

The church gathers in joy as we celebrate

our Lord's resurrection from the dead.

All are welcome to join us!

Flowering of the Cross

8:00 am - Holy Eucharist Rite I
10:00 am - Holy Eucharist Rite II*

+Children's Liturgy of the Word

11:15 am - Children's Easter Egg Hunt
5:00 pm - Holy Eucharist Rite II

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Trinity Easter Sunday service
Easter Egg Hunt
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